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Promoting British Values In Childcare And Early Years

Writer's picture: Flick LearningFlick Learning

Alice is wonderland image

Knowing and understanding the Prevent duty for child carers is essential, and promoting good British values and spotting the signs of possible radicalisation has never been more important.

Childcare and early years providers subject to the Prevent duty are expected to demonstrate activity in the following areas:

  • Assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism.

  • Demonstrate that they are protecting children and young people from being drawn into terrorism by having robust safeguarding policies.

  • Ensure that their safeguarding arrangements take into account the policies and procedures of the Local Safeguarding Children Board.

  • Make sure that staff have training that gives them the knowledge and confidence to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism, and to challenge extremist ideas which can be used to legitimise terrorism.

  • Ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet.

The National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) have said nurseries play a vital role in teaching tolerance of different faiths and backgrounds to children in their most formative years.

What are the inspection measures?

On the 1st of September 2015, Ofsted published 3 inspection documents. The thinking behind this legislation is to ensure that all children including those that are very young are protected from being radicalised at an early age.

What the promotion of Fundamental British Values in the early years means in practice

Ofsted now inspect childminders and all early years providers on how well you ‘actively promote’ British values within your settings.

British values are a set of four values introduced to help keep children safe and promote their welfare – as is the duty of all providers following the EYFS; specifically to counter extremism.

Let’s remind ourselves what the fundamental British values are:

British values image

Below are some examples of how you may promote British values – most are probably already embedded in your day-to-day work with children;

Democracy: Making decisions together, for example giving opportunities to develop enquiring minds in an atmosphere where questions are valued. More examples include taking turns, sharing and collaborating – skills that are essential if we are to get on in the adult world. Think of democracy as a situation where everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.

Rule of law: Understanding rules matter. For example collaborating with children to create rules and codes of behaviour, learning to manage our own feelings and behaviour, learning right from wrong, behaving within agreed and clearly defined boundaries and about dealing with consequences.

Individual liberty: Freedom for all, for example reflecting on their differences and understanding we are free to have different opinions (like our favourite colour or nursery rhyme). Help children to develop a positive sense of themselves, develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence in their own abilities.

Mutual respect and tolerance: Treating others as you want to be treated, for example sharing and respecting other’s opinions. Learning how to be part of a community, manage our feelings and behaviour; and form relationships with others.

What Next?

We understand that as a childcare and early years provider you have a critical part to play - you work with arguably the most vulnerable and impressionable members of our society.

Preventative action is always the right first step to take and, with the correct training, your staff will know what to look out for.

Remember, it’s not about whether you think your staff need the training, it’s a legal requirement. So make sure you get the best for your staff. Start 2017 as you mean to go on: informed, prepared and ready for the new year ahead.

flick’s training covers the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, the Prevent duty and the Prevent strategy and we have free additional resources such as guidance on the fundamental British values, sector specific guidelines for the prevent duty, advice for parents and carers and much, much more!

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