What’s new for schools in Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework?

What’s new for schools in Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework?

Posted on Nov 12, 2019

What’s new for schools in Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework?

In September 2019 Ofsted replaced their Common Inspection Framework with the Education Inspection Framework.

We feel it’s important for anyone working in a school setting to be aware of the key changes, so we place importance in staying on top of developments and keeping all of our courses and resources regularly updated in line with new guidance and changes to legislation.

For example, when changes were made to Keeping children safe in education earlier this year, we ensured that all of our safeguarding courses were immediately updated to reflect changes to the guidance, including our child protection course, which includes new content on upskirting and child criminal exploitation.

The flick subscription includes the new Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework – flick essentials course, which covers the key updates, and can be reported on by administrators.

We’re going to take a look at some of the changes here.

So, what’s the difference?

Well, school settings will continue to receive either Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement, or Inadequate as their overall inspection grade.

However, they will be judged against these new criteria:

  • Quality of education
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • Leadership and management.

Let’s look at these areas now.

Quality of Education

Ofsted will look at three areas – Intent, Implementation, and Impact – through lesson visits, work scrutiny, discussions with teachers and pupils, and an evaluation of leaders’ understanding of the curriculum.

Changes looking at the intent of curriculums will be phased in with a transitional period through to summer 2020, during which ratings won’t be affected if it’s clear that leaders are in the process of updating the curriculum.

Behaviour and Attitudes

Inspectors will look at:

  • whether there are high expectations for learners implemented consistently and fairly, and if this is evident in learners’ behaviour and attitudes
  • whether bullying and other negative behaviours are tolerated, and how effectively and promptly any instances are dealt with.

Inspectors will discuss this area with a range of learners, and with staff, and reach conclusions from observations, surveys, and evaluation of settings’ exclusion strategies.

Personal development

Ofsted will be considering what support is available to learners, and what’s done to help their development in various areas – all with an aim to help them succeed in life.

This area will be judged through interviews and observations, and evaluation of extra-curricular activities within the setting.

Leadership and Management

Ofsted will make decisions about whether school leaders:

  • have an inclusive and ambitious vision
  • protect staff and have concern for their development
  • prevent cheating
  • engage with their community
  • have high levels of safeguarding.

Evidence will be gathered through reviews, meetings with school leaders and governors, interviews with – and questionnaire responses from – staff and pupils, and Parent View.

Are there any other notable changes?

Yes! Other key changes under the Education Inspection Framework include the introduction of a pre-inspection phone call, short inspections being increased to two days for some settings, and inspectors considering what actions have been taken in response to internal assessment data.

Read a more detailed summary of the changes in our free white paper.

Sign up to flick today and get the Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework Essentials course included.

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